Awards and Commendations
Nominated, Chrissie and Prissie, 10x10 Flash Fiction Stories, The Pushcart Prize
Nominated, What sound does a bear make when it's stung by a bee, Muddy River Poetry Review, The Pushcart Prize
Nominated, Going round the bend, Fictive Dream, The Pushcart Prize
Robert Lord Writers Residency, August/September
Third place, The complexities of hens, Reflex Fiction Flash Fiction Competition
Special Mention in the Saboteur Awards Best Short Story Collection
Nominated, The road to nowhere, Myslexia, Best Microfictions
Nominated, So who is Len, JMWW, Best Microfictions
Nominated, House Rules, Retreat West Books, The Pushcart Prize
Finalist, The road to nowhere, Mslexia Flash Fiction Competition, UK
2nd place, Under the Southern Cross, The University of Sunderland Short Story Award, UK
Short-listed, Waiting Lists, TSS Publishing, UK
Nominated, Favouretta Pratt, Fictive Dream, The Pushcart Prize
Nominated, The Golden Balloon, Cloud Ink Press, The Best Small Fictions
Best seven stories, Brazilian nights, Lagan Online, Ireland NFFD feature
Nominated, The scent of lemons, Flash Frontier, The Best Small Fictions Anthology
Highly Commended, Marléne, North & South Short Shorts Competition, New Zealand
2nd place, Time warp, Zero Flash Competition
2nd place, The lighthouse keeper, The Short Story Flash500 Competition, UK
Short-listed, Barbie girl, The Short Story Flash500 Competition, UK
Long-listed, Serafina’s star, National Flash Fiction Day, New Zealand
Short-listed, Grimshaw Sargeson Fellowship, New Zealand
Notable contenders list, Pelorus Jack, Bristol Short Fiction Prize, UK
Short-listed, Grimshaw Sargeson Fellowship, New Zealand
Winner, Alpha Crucis, New Zealand Heritage Week Short Story Award
Short-listed, Grimshaw Sargeson Fellowship, New Zealand
Doctor of Philosophy, Central Queensland University, Australia
Master of Letters, (High Distinction), Central Queensland University, Australia
Dean’s Commendation for Outstanding Performance in Master of Letters, Central Queensland University, 2004
Short-listed, Mrs Tiger Eyes, Aoraki Festival Short Story Award, New Zealand
Short-listed, Blue and green should never be seen, Auswrite Short Story Competition, Australia and New Zealand
Short-listed, The moon is upside down in New Zealand, Western District Writers Story Competition, New Zealand
Major Project Grant, Literature Programme of Creative New Zealand, to write a novel, Tomorrow’s Empire, published by Horizon Press, New Zealand, 2000
Finalist, When I see your addled face my addled boy, Aoraki Festival Short Story Award, New Zealand
International Travel Grant, Literature Programme of Creative New Zealand, to attend International Book Fair, Melbourne, Australia, as a guest speaker
Finalist, The captain’s hat, Lillian Ida Smith Award, New Zealand
Short-listed, The Last Footwear Company, Joan Faulkner Blake Memorial Award, New Zealand
Louis Johnson New Writer’s Bursary, Literature Programme of Creative New Zealand to write a novel, A Distraction of Opposites, published by Hazard Press, New Zealand, 1992
Finalist, Will you walk into my parlour, Manawatu Evening Standard Short Story Competition, New Zealand
Finalist, A distraction of opposites, American Express Award, New Zealand
Finalist, Lale, Manawatu Evening Standard Short Story Competition, New Zealand