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Flash Fiction: storytelling for the short attention spans of our time? | RNZ

Bookenz: Bookenz - Ineke Meredith, Miriam Sharland, and Sandra Arnold on Apple Podcasts

Whistle down the wind, my lass (Flashflood, June )

The Paper Tree (Gooseberry Pie, June)

True Romance (Roi Faineant, June)

Noticers noticing the notices (Marrow Literary Magazine, May)

Pieces of pictures (Fictive Dream, April)

Key Deliverables (Flash Frontier, March)

The Gory Story of Rory McNory (10x10 stories, March)

Rearrangement (Swansong, Ellipsis Zine, February 2024)

Shades of my sister (Gooseberry Pie, March)

Reflecting on reflections (Fictive Dream, Flash Fiction February)

What sound does a bear make when it's stung by a bee? (Muddy River Review, January)


Ram raids, motorbikes and a song (Fictive Dream, December)

Pareidolia (Flash Frontier, November)


Billy Best's Mighty Metal (Literally Stories, November)


Noticers noticing the notices (Rural Fiction Magazine, November)


​Peacock Feathers (Impspired Magazine, October)

Windwhistle (Flash Frontier, October)

Committee for Right Thinking (Impspired, October)

Body Parts (Roi Faineant, October)

Stranger than Fiction (Fictive Dream, September)

Birdie, Bryn and Brain Fog (Dark Winter, September)

Mr Hairless (Mocking Owl Roost, August)

The Shit Lit (Mocking Owl Roost, August)

A cut above (10x10, August)

All the departing souls (Roi Faineant, July)

Sweet Pea and his Tiny Stony Heart (Literally Stories, July)

Ka Mua Ka Muri (Stone Gathering, Too, June)

A tail of a tale (Fairlight, June)

The committee for right thinking (Impspired Magazine, June)

Snot-gobblers and mighty minions (Fictive Dream, June)

Under the spreading chestnut tree (Fictive Dream, May)

What Pixie said to the house and what the house said back (The Wild Word, May)

All doors lead to Aunty May (Impspired Magazine, April)

Pop goes the weasel (Potato Soup's Best of 2022 Anthology, March)

The red shoes (Paris Lit Up, February)

Ka Mua Ka Muri (Flash Fiction February, Fictive Dream, February)

Meryl the Peril meets Fearless Flo (Unlikely Stories, January).


A cackle of hyenas (Yellow Mama, December)

Mother's Day (10x10 Journal, December)

Droopy Blue (Sweetycat Press Anthology, November)

The scent of lemons (Miramichi Flash, November)

Night and Day; Mercy for Miss Bint; The Passing Lane (Flash Boulevard, November)

Things people say (Fictive Dream, November)

A game of consequences (Literally Stories Magazine, October)

Mercv for Miss Bint (Impspired Literary Journal, October)

Whistle down the wind (Fictive Dream, September) 

The choosing time (Potato Soup Journal, USA. August)

A multiplicity of whens (10x10 Journal, USA, August)

The end of the rainbow (MacQueens Quinterly Journal, USA August)

Future proof (Marriage issue, Pure Slush Books, Australia, August)

Behind closed doors (Cow, Lifespan series, Pure Slush Books, Australia, June)

Night and Day (The Pine Cone Review, India, June)

Fire and Ice (Love in the Time of Covid, New Zealand, June)

Midnight Blue (The Wild Word, Germany, June)

Pop goes the weasel (Potato Soup Journal, USA May).

Prudence Personified (Fictive Dream, UK, April)

A packet of Seeds (The Wild Word, Germany, April)

The Lighthouse Keeper (Inscribe, Australia, March)

The earth is full of bones (Kitchen Fiction Berlin, Germany, February)

The Glory Tree (Miramichi Press, Canada, February)

A matter of perspective (Fictive Dream, UK, Flash Fiction, February)

The girl who felt no pain (Flash Boulevard, USA, February)

Saints and Sinners (Flash Boulevard, USA, February)

Writing the write stuff (Flash Boulevard, USA, February)


Clever Clogs (Fictive Dream, UK, September)

Ginger Kisses (Potato Soup Journal, USA, September)

llumination (Flashflood, UK, June)

The sacrifice of teeth (Mirimachi Press, Canada, June)

Like a second skin (Fictive Dream, UK, May)

Writing the write stuff (The Drabble, USA, May)

Unmasked (Flash Fiction February, UK, Fictive Dream)

The Messenger (Flash Boulevard, USA, January)


 Flight path interrupted (Flash Boulevard, USA, January)


My name is Fern (Fictive Dream, UK, December)

Kombucha mother (Love in the time of Covid, New Zealand, November)

Below Ground (Fictive Dream, UK, November)

Kipper man and the Queen of Green (The Sunlight Press, USA, October)

The butterfly effect (Fiction Kitchen Berlin, Germany, September)

Princess of records (Unlikely Stories, USA, September)

The tyranny of teeth (Literally Stories Magazine, UK, September)

A babe with attitude and a heap of brains (The Cabinet of Heed, USA, August)

Fire and Ice (Fiction Kitchen Berlin, Germany, July) 

Going round the bend (Fictive Dream, UK, June)

The complexities of hens (Flashflood, UK, June)

Burn baby burn (The Cabinet of Heed, USA, May)

The absence of hands; Illumination; Pink T-shirt Day (Flash Boulevard, USA, April)

Dirty Realism (Unlikely Stories, USA, April)

The complexities of hens (Reflex Fiction, UK, March)

The sacrifice of teeth (Fictive Dream, UK, February)

Pink T-Shirt Day (Fewer than 500, USA, January) 


The day the music died (X-Ray Literary Magazine, USA, December)

The road to nowhere; The dragonfly; Esbos Boo (Flash Boulevard, USA, September)

Lord of the dance (Here Comes Everyone, USA, September)

The seventh son (New Flash Fiction Review, USA, August)

So who is Len? (JMWW, USA. July)

A broken eggshell and a spider (The Drabble, USA, July)

Team-building (Ellipsis Zine, UK. July)


Illumination (The Sunlight Press, USA, July)

The road to nowhere (Flashflood, UK, June ) 

Of spiderwebs and broomsticks (100 Word Story, UK, June)


All that was left (Bending Genres, USA, June)

A voice called Gavin (Spelk, UK, May)

Lord of the Dance (Tales from the Forest, UK, May)

Bridging the gap (Flash Frontier, New Zealand, April)

In light of what we see (The Drabble, USA, April)

W TOM 21 (Fewer than 500, USA, April)

Tom Thumb (New Flash Fiction Review, USA, February)

The woman with a thousand faces (Fictive Dream, UK, February)

The road to nowhere (Mslexia, UK, February)


Past simple, present perfect, future conditional (The Cabinet of Heed, USA, December)

Bluebell's last flight (Bending Genres,USA, December)

The absence of hands (Blue Fifth Review, Fall Quarterly, USA, December)


The glory tree (Former Cactus, USA, December)


The poet (The Drabble, USA, November)

As clear as crystal (Fewer than 500, USA, November) 


On a gravestone in Ireland: Died of disappointment (The Drabble, USA, October)

Bear Days (The Drabble, USA, September) 


Esbos Boo, (Bending Genres, USA, August)

Waiting lists (Spelk, UK, August)

Night flying (Popshot, USA, August)

Inside story (Flashflood, UK, June)

Cry to the moon (New Flash Fiction Review, USA, May)

The whales (Flash Frontier, New Zealand, April)

The scent of lemons (Black Poppy Review, USA, February)

The weight of words (Fictive Dream, UK, Flash Fiction February)

Mr Snowman bring me a dream (Lost Balloon, USA, January)


House rules (Flash Frontier, New Zealand, December)

Stoicism (Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine, Vol 10, No 1, UK, December)

The day of the horse (New Flash Fiction Review, 10, USA, December)

High flyer (Zero Flash, UK, December)

Climate shift (Connotation Press, USA, November)

Sea song (With Painted Words, USA, October)

Whistle on the wind, my lad (The Airgonaut, USA, October)

Grit (Peacock Journal, USA, October)

Bridging the gap (Peacock Journal, USA, October)


Poems and fantails and leaves (Flash Frontier, New Zealand, September)


The seeing kind (With Painted Words, USA, August)


Broken wings (The Linnet’s Wings, Ireland, August)

Blood of the stone (The Linnet’s Wings, Ireland, August)

Serafina’s star (Spelk, UK, August)


The girl with green hair (The Creative Process, Germany, August)


A real live one (Alluvia, USA, August)


Eustace (Foxglove, USA, July)


Tell no lies (Dime Show Review, USA, July)


Heartbeats (Peacock Journal, USA, July) 

Derived from the Latin, meaning happiness ( Flash Flood Journal, NFF Day, UK, June) 

Louder than words (Blue Fifth Review, USA, June)

Brazilian nights (Lagan Online, NFFD feature, Ireland, June) 

Child’s play (The Story Shack, USA, May) 

A perfect match (The Flash Fiction Press, USA, May) 

The other sort (Firefly, UK, Issue 10) 

Kassidy’s roof (The Story Shack,USA, April) 

The girl with green hair (The Airgonaut, USA, April) 

See what I see (The Incubator, issue 12, USA, April) 

Bloodlines (Olentangy Review, USA, Spring) 

Grave concerns (Jellyfish Review, Germany, March) 

The doll (The Baby Shoes Project, UK, March) 

Monday’s child (Flash Frontier, New Zealand, February) 

Barbie girl (Spelk, UK, January) 

Have a nice day (Fewer than 500, USA, January) 

Marléne (North & South, New Zealand, January) 

Pretty blue (Zero Flash, UK, January) 


Don’t mess with Vikings (Flash Frontier Micro Fiction, New Zealand, December) 

River (Spontaneity, USA, December) 

The scent of lemons (Flash Frontier, New Zealand, November) 

The patchwork quilt (We are a Website, USA, November) 

Fireworks night (The Linnet’s Wings, Ireland, October) 

Changing the baby (The Linnet’s Wings, Ireland, October) 

The red shoes (Olentangy Review, USA, Fall) 

The gatherers (Headland, New Zealand, September) 

Time warp (Zero Flash, UK, September) 

The girl who wanted to fly (Fewer than 500, USA, September) 

A strategy for change (Fewer than 500, USA, August) 

The lighthouse keeper (The Short Story Flash 500, UK, August) 

Derived from the Latin meaning happiness (Jellyfish Review, USA, August) 

Soul etchings (Flash Frontier, New Zealand, June) 

The dragonfly (Flash Flood Journal, UK, June)

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